Tuesday, July 4, 2017

New Mission President

Hey what's up everyone?  How's everyone doing?  Well, as you might have heard we have a new mission president.  On Tuesday we had a going away party for President Bize, and he left the next day, and that same day President Fox came.  But I haven't yet had the chance to meet the new mission president, we are going to be doing that tomorrow.

So I have some good news and some bad news... The good news is that the trip to Moorea was awesome, amazingly pretty.  We also got to see Sr. Ellis and Sr. Yolinda from the Marquises that were there, which was really cool.  Moorea is definitely a place that I'd want to come back and visit fi I ever have the chance.

The bad news is that Elder Thorpe has a cut on his shin that goes all the way to his bone, and it's way infected.  We went to the doctors on Monday, and he told us that the needs to rest and can't leave the house this week.  Sooo this week blew, we just sat at home all day every day.  But hey on the bright side, I did a lot and lot and lot of studying...and we played probably 10 games of chess haha.

Yeah, so sorry there isn't really much to email about...but I love you all, and the church is true!

Elder McQuiston

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