Monday, July 17, 2017

Let Er Burn

la ora na everyone!

Alrighty so this week was not too bad here in Mahaiatea, besides the fact that its the Heiva.  The Heiva is a tradition here during the month of July.  Every July almost all of Tahiti goes on vacation, and they have huge celebrations here.  They have dances, competitions, fairs, art festivals, singing, and so forth.  Which makes it really cool for tourists, but tough for missionary work.

Last Monday we had a really fun day.  We went with the Paea zone, and had a celebration for the fourth of July.  We had a barbecue, and then went to a field in Maraa and played some American sports.  The funnest was some 2 hand touch football, it's been over a year since I've played football.

Wednesday had some stuff worth mentioning, we had interviews with President which were awesome, and I almost died when a car missed me by about 2 inches, and turns out it was a member (not my fault).

Thursday was my one year mark, so I burnt one of my shirts as that's the tradition.  Saturday night we went with the ZL's to a Heiva dance, which was way dope, Tahitians are insane at dancing.  And then yesterday we had our last missionary concert.

I love you all, the church is true!

Elder McQuiston

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