Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sleeping pills and missionary work don't mix

la ora na tout le monde!

So first things first, I was super shocked Thursday night when we got the transfer calls, and I found out that I am getting transferred as well.  I'm going to the island of Tahaa, and I'm going to be whitewashing, training, and district leader.  On Wednesday I'll be picking up my son, and then Thursday we'll be taking the plane together.  I'm super pumped, it is definitely going to be a crazy experience that's for sure.

Our week actually went really really good.  We fixed 4 baptisms this week, and had a lot of people at church on Sunday, I'll send pics.  We also worked really well with the ward, and have a bunch of activities planned.  I'm glad to know that I'm leaving the area with it doing so well.  I'm sad to be leaving everyone here, I've made some really good friends, but that's the mission I guess.  The end of this week was pretty  much just full of goodbyes, and then this morning I had to say goodbye to all of the elders that are finishing today, which was way tough.

Other than that I've got two funny stories for this week.  The first one is that I had like insomnia Thursday night, and couldn't sleep at all.  So Friday I was super tired, and I had to take a nap.  Well turns out I couldn't even fall asleep for my nap.  So I took some melatonin, and realized as soon as I took it how bad of an idea that was.  I was literally like a walking zombie for the whole rest of the day, I had to use every single ounce of my strength to battle the sleep that tried to envelope me.  Moral of the story, do not take sleeping medicine in the middle of the day.

The second story is that the other day we were with an investigator, and she said the closing prayer an started crying, because she was super touched by the spirit.  Well turns out she like never cries, and when her son saw her he yelled, "Dad, mom's crying!"  And her husband comes out and stares at us and is like, "uhh, why is my wife crying?"  It was super awkward haha good times.

Well, that's it for this week, talk to you guys from Tahaa!

Elder McQuiston

Pics:  The first one is our class of investigators and recent converts at church, the second is us eating lunch by the ocean, the third is a picture with Tehaamatai family, and the last one is with DMP and his wife.

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