Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Hello everyone from Taha'a!  It is incredibly pretty here, when you think of paradise, this is what comes to mind.  We definitely had a crazy week this week, with a lot of stuff to do and a a lot of changements.

Tuesday of last week I spent showing the new Elder around the sector, because they were whitewashing the area.  And then Tuesday night I went up to President's house to meet my son, who is Elder Arlington.  He is from Indiana, and was home-schooled, because his family moved around a lot.  I'm way pumped to train for the first time!

Wednesday we had to go back up to President's house, to pick up my son.  And then we went around my old sector together, and I said goodbye to everyone.  And then Wednesday night was Vaiarii's baptism.  It was super cool to be able to be there right before I left, which I may or may no have arranged that way on purpose...  It is sad to leave Mahaiatea, I loved that sector, and I had so many good friends there.

Thursday morning me and my son took the airplane headed for Raiatea.  When we landed in Raiatea our zone leaders were there to pick us up, which is Elder Goodwiin and Elder Omorodion, my old companion.  We chilled for a while together, waiting for the boat for Taha'a.  And then we took the boat, and our Bishop was there ready to pick us up and take us to our new home.

Friday-Sunday were all spent trying to get to know everyone here, the investigators and the members.  I am hoping that we will be able to quickly get the hang of things here, so we can get to the grind and start working.  This morning we went fishing on the other side of the Taha'a, and then ate it for lunch; fish, crab and these oyster things.  So good!

I love you all, have a great week!

Elder McQuiston

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