Monday, August 28, 2017

Bucket big deal

We had a pretty cool week this week, life is cool here in Taha'a.

Tuesday I think my bike got more work on it than any other day on my mission.  We rode at least 40 miles on Tuesday, with this huge sector that we have.  We met a french hippie named Plume, that talked for like an hour straight about her hippie life, and the hippie conventions she's been to and stuff...who knew you could find hippies here at Taha'a.  We also checked out a new house that we were wanting to move into after that, with a missionary couple that came from Tahiti for the week.  We had a coordination meeting after that, all in Tahitian...I'm goona track down whoever created that language and give them a piece of my mind, because  it's sooo hard.  But I'm making some progress, it's getting a little easier.  I'm up to about 20% comprehension.

On Wednesday we went on a split with our DMB and his wife, who took us around the whole sector and showed us where all of the members and the investigators live.  Thursday we had to pack up all of our stuff in the morning, because we found out that we were going to be moving.  The afternoon our bishop helped us  make like 4 loads in his truck to get everything moved over to our new house.  The new house is great, it is like 6 times bigger than our old house.  The only problem is that the plumbing isn't quite finished, so we are doing bucket showers from the kitchen sink.  But that's no big deal, some missionaries have to do that their whole mission.  (sorry Zach) Our ZL's came over for a training here in Tahaa, and stayed the night with us.

Friday we did a split with our bishop for like the whole day, and went to see a bunch of investigators with him.  I love our Bishop, this huge young Samoan, that speaks such bad french.  He's the funniest guy.  When we got to our dinner appointment, the dad was outside...skinning and gutting a dog!  It was so gross!  And it's gonna be left unsaid whether I ate some or not.

On Saturday Elder Stevenson came to Tahiti, and Saturday morning he did a special meeting for all of the missionaries.  We joined them over the internet...not nearly as cool as being there, but it was super awesome.  The spirit was so strong, and I learned so many things.  That definitely doesn't happen often that an apostle comes to visit the mission.  We had a way good day after that, 2 of our investigators accepted the invitation to be baptized.  And then Sunday was great as well, in between the ward and the branch we had 11 investigators at church.

Je vous aime, et faaitoito pour la semaine!

Elder McQuiston


The first one is a pic with my district and zone leaders.  The second is a pic from the split with bishop, hiking through the forest, the third is us on a conference all to the meeting with Elder Stevenson and the last one is from this morning cuz its pouring rain

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