Monday, August 7, 2017

Well...ya know

la ora na everyone!

From what I read it sounds like everyone had a way good time at Disneyland, which is good news.  E had a decent week this week with some good times.  On Tuesday we went and saw G., because it was his last day here before he moved.  He announced to us Tahiti the found a job at Faaa, and that he is getting married, and his future wife is getting baptized at the end of the month.  That was awesome news, he is already getting super blessed for his obedience and his decision to follow Christ and get baptized.

Tuesday night Elder Gilstrap got an emergency transfer to Moorea for the last of his mission, and a french elder named Elder Dieutre replaced him here at the house.  He doesn't speak hardly any english, so we've been talking in French the whole week.  I feel it slipping already my English haha its getting corrupted. We were able to go to the temple with Guy to do baptisms of the dead Wednesday night, which was super cool, I love Guy so much.

On Thursday my toe was finally healed, and I was able to play sports and wear normal shoes in the first time in like 2 weeks which was great.  On Thursday the Jehovah Witnesses stopped by to try and preach to us and so I roasted then in bible bashing, which doesn't do anything, but it's always fun.

Saturday was super fun, Elder Thorpe went to his old areas for some marriages and a baptism.  So I was with Elder Prete and Dieutre all day in their truck (sooo much better than bikes).  We did the lessons that we had planned in both areas.  Kinda funny, after one of the lessons with a 12 year old girl, her mom brought out bananas, and I was STARVING, and literally downed like 12 bananas, and the little girl just stared at me with this astonished look on her face.  Good times.

This morning we did a hike up to a lake called Lake Vaihiria way up in the mountains in the middle of the island, which took forever to get to.  It was incredibly pretty, and is definitely a must see, even tho we spent all morning going to the forestation and the mayors office to get permission to go.  Worth it 100%.

I love you all, and have a great week this week!

Elder McQuiston

Pics: The first 3 are from Lake Vaihiria the last one is with Gaspard and DMP.

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