Monday, September 18, 2017

Hey mea ma!

We had another great week here at Tahaa nut.  We had a way good start to week with the motto, and the rest of the week was no exception.  A lot of our investigators are really progressing, especially the Kavera family.  They are a family that we recently found a couple of weeks ago.  The husband has been coming to church for more than a year now, but hasn't really accepted the missionaries because of his wife.  A couple weeks back I felt the impression to try and find their house to talk to the wife, which is what we did.  She was a little bit tough at first, but let us come back.  Now a couple weeks later we just did a lesson with the whole family, and the mom was almost in tears talking about how much she feels the spirit when we come over.  They are the first family that I've really taught as a whole, with both parents and the kids.  Voila the little update on them.

Besides that the work is going well, we have 3 bapstisms fixed at the moment.  2 of them we fixed this week, when I did a split on Wednesday.  My son went over to the other side of Tahaa with a Tahitian elder, and his companion Elder Puluiuvea from New Caledonia came to our sector.  We had a pretty good day together, he's a pretty good elder. 

On Friday when I woke up I was felling super sick to my stomach, I'm pretty sure that I ate something bad the night before.  My companion knew just what to do, and pulled out some weird organic medicine stuff that was supposed to flush out my intestines.  The bottle said that I needed to take 10 of the huge capsules, I decided that 4 was more than enough.  Lemme tell you something, BAD IDEA.  My stomach felt like it was going to explode for about 15 minutes of excruciating pain. And then all at once I hustled outside and everything erupted out of my stomach.  I think that might be 2 or 3 times the amount that I've ever thrown up before.  That definitely wasn't the desired effect, but it kind of worked in a way, because my stomach no longer hurt.  The down side was that I couldn't eat anything after that, so I was super weak all day.  But we worked hard all day.

I barely ate anything for dinner, but Friday night we were asked to do an emergency fast.  Probably no the best idea, but I decided to do it.  And on top of that Saturday we had a ton of biking to do...let's just say getting near the end of my basically 48 hour fast I was not in too good of shape, I might've almost collapsed.  But hey I made it to the end, tapea paari baby.

Well that's basically all for the week, today we took the early morning transport boat to Radiate for a zone activity, so I'm doing my emails form over there, and I'll send my pics in a separate email.  I send you all my love from Raromatai!

Elder McQuiston

Pics:  A pic from our boat ride last week, A pic of a hotel on the island, me with my coco, some fish that we caught and one that I took from Raiatea.

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