Monday, September 11, 2017


We'll we actually had a way good week this week, we worked extremely hard, and the hard work payed off.  We had a lot of success, some good laughs, and a way dope pday this morning, but I'll get more into that in a sec.

Last Monday we had a little ant problem...apparently our whole house is overridden by ants, and I think that they are lookin to expand their housing quarters.  When I came back home there were more ants than I thought possible in our dressing room, carrying hundreds and hundreds of larva and putting it all in my clothes hamper.  I don't mind though our house is big enough to share, and they clean up after us well.

Tuesday we ate burgers and fries for lunch.

Wednesday we found a bunch of new investigators, and went on another split with our bishop.  We found an 11 year old that lives in a member family that isn't yet baptized.

Thursday we woke up to 6 missed calls from Bishop, and when we called him back turns out he just wanted some help installing a new photocopier.  I love him so much, he's the funniest guy.  After that we went and did a service project weeding up a field to help an inactive member plant himself some taro.  And we also had ward council meeting that evening.

Saturday we started teaching a new family, who loved the lesson, and invited us to come back.  That was kinda a big deal because the dad has been coming to church for the last year, but hasn't been able to let the missionaries come over nor been able to get baptized because of his wife.  We tracked down the house and shared a message for the wife specifically, and she let us come over, the first people she's EVER accepted to her house before.  Kinda cool!

And then today we went all day with the Tehiva family to the motu in their boat.  It was insanely pretty, white sand, coconut trees, completely alone, clear turquoise water with a view of Bora, Huahine, Raiatea, and cool, I still can't believe that it is real.  The Polynesians are so blessed man.

I love you all, the church is true!

Elder McQuiston

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