Monday, September 4, 2017

The week of rain

This week it poured rain pretty much the whole week...did we let that slow us down?  Well yah, but at least it didn't stop us.

Tuesday morning we had some lessons at one end of our area, which usually takes us about 25 minutes on bike to get there.   Well in the rain and wind we got there in 45.  And after all that, the first investigator stood us up...we were a little bummed and went to our second lesson hoping that it would be better.  Well it went awesome, and we ended up fixing her baptismal date!  Definitely worth the rain.

Wednesday we had a zone conference in Raiatea, and we were supposed to take the 6:15 boat.  The boat leaves on the other side of the island, so a member was going to come and pick us up.  Well..he never showed up.  I panicked a little, because President and Sister Fox were both going to be there, and we were gonna miss it.  At around 7:30 I found a boat leaving at 8:30, about an hour away in a car.  I found a member asap to take us, and we flew like 20 mph over an ended up barely making it on time.  Good thing too, because the conference was super good, and I learned so much.

Other than that there wasn't anything really too notable, just lessons, rain, and studies.  I am starting to get a lot better speaking Tahitian tho, I've really been putting in a huge effort to learn it, because so many people speak it here.  Definitely seeing some improvement there.  I'm considering pulling an all-nighter with the Tahitian BofM, but not so sure if that's the best idea.

Ua here au ia outou!

Elder McQuiston

ps excuse my haircut, it was my companions first time cutting hair and he forgot that he was supposed to leave some on there.

The first is a pic of Dave, the boat that took us to Radiate, the second is me on Dave, the third is a pic of me after just waking up from falling asleep on Dave, the fourth is a pic of me in the storm and the last one is when the mud got me

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