Monday, September 25, 2017

Rats go flying

Dear loved ones, 

Well transfer week is this week...and I'm going to be training again.  They are splitting our area into two, and sending two new missionaries.  Me and Elder Arrington are both going to be training, even tho my son hasn't been finished his training yet haha.  So I'm basically going to be training three elders at the same time.  We are all going to be staying int eh same house here, which is gonna be way fun.  I'll keep you guys updated on who my second born is next week.

On the work level things are going alright.  Kind of a bummer, we were supposed to have a baptism on Saturday with our 16 year old investigator.  She passed the interview and everything, but a couple of days before the baptism I wasn't really feeling right about it, and we went and talked with her sister, who finally told us the truth.  Turns out she has been lying to us the whole time, and she got in big trouble for prostitution as a minor in Tahiti and ran away here in Tahaa to get away form the law.  Definitely a big yah super sad, but at least we found out the truth before her baptism.

On Wednesday the zone leaders came down here to Tahaa to do a split with us, and I was with Elder Omorodion, my old companion.  It was nice being with him again, we had some way good lessons and some good times together.

There honestly isn't too much that happened this week...oh ya one thing, this family flagged us down while we were riding our bikes at Hipu.  Turns out it was the mayor, an communicated member of like 10 years.  He just wanted to talk about America and stuff, and then I changed the subject and just called him to repentance hahah so funny what the mission does to you, I definitely wouldn't have had the guts to do that before the mission.

Well that's pretty much all for the week, nothing too exciting.  I love you all, talk to you next week!

Elder McQuiston

Pics:  The first is a pic of some coconut slushes we made, the second is a pic in the wild with my sexy helmet, the third is a pic of us studying at the church, the fourth is a pic of me with Elder Cottle from the MTC and the last one is a pic of the sunset

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