Tuesday, October 10, 2017


I had a pretty good week this week.  Tuesday I went on a split with Elder Taylor, which was way fun we had some way good times, and some good laughs.  Kinda funny, we were contacting a reference and I was sharing the first vision, and then I asked Elder Taylor to explain what Jesus responded to Joseph Smith, and turns out he was zoning out and said, "uhhh...idk" hahaha pretty funny, not the response I was expecting.  We had some pretty good lessons tho, and Elder Taylor didn't have his bike yet so he was on this bright pink beach cruiser and almost went down a few times, funny stuff.

We started teaching this family of 6, and they are progressing nicely, yesterday they went and took their names out of the protestant church.  I think that I might ask president to let me stay another transfer if they keep progressing, they are pretty cool.

Thursday we had a way funny lesson with this Adventist named Jean Claude.  He is like the most sincere lesson, and the lesson went way good actually, the spirit was way strong and he was loving it. It came to the prayer, which I gave.  All of a sudden during the prayer I hear this "mmmmmm, aaaamen."  I resisted any laughter and continued, and then it came out again. and again.  He amened my prayer 6 times haha, so funny.  I love Jean Claude.  But yah that was pretty much our joke for the week at the house.

I'll skip to Sunday where I was asked to help with the genealogy fireside for Tahaa.  Luckily the Lord had me serve as a consultant before the mission, that way I was able to help those people who haven't mentioned family history for years apparently.

This Morning we went to the Motu with Fr. Tehiva, which was so much fun.  He took us on a tour of a huge villa that a Canadian billionaire is building, the owner of one of the hotels here.  So pretty...

I love you all!
Elder McQuiston

pic's: a picture of our fridge and a Tahitian interpretation of my name haha, picture of Motu with Fr. Tehiva, and more pictures of cuz Tahiti is dope.

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