Monday, October 16, 2017


Hello everyone, elder Makinsane dropping in for a quick update from Tahaa.  We had a pretty good week today, it started out a little rough but ended up coming around great at the end. 

Most important things first, I'll give you a quick update on my good friend Jean Claude.  He's probably my favorite  investigator that I've taught, he has enormous faith.  He told us that if he prays and talks to God face to face he would change religions, but wouldn't in any other case.  I really am inspired by his unconditional trust and love.  In his words, "we cannot trust the spirit, because the earth is spinning on an axis, and we are on the earth, and there are evil and good spirits spinning around our hearts constantly."  What profound counsel.  I would like all of you to ponder about that quote, and if anyone could interpret it I'd like to know what it means.

I decided I love training, it's so fun.  The funniest things happen like everyday.  For example, yesterday during our faatamaaraa, we were with a family of like 6.  For some reason the family was trying to explain the words to slap and to hit in Tahitian to Elder Kerr.  He wasn't understanding anything.  So they all started acting it out and talking at the same time, and Elder Kerr was so scared just looking around at everyone with no understanding.  I probably should have bailed him out, but I was laughing too hard it was too funny.

On a more serious note, we did see some miracles this week.  I'd like to bring the family Mousing of 6 back up.  We had another lesson this week, the first one for a couple of weeks Fr. Mousing wasn't really interested in our message, but a few days ago her had a feeling come over him to pick up the book of mormon.  He started reading it in the evening, and was so enthralled in the book that he didn't see the time pass, and read all the way through the night until dawn.  He had a list full of questions for us, and was super interested in our message.  He wants us to stop by as frequent as possible.  Yesterday part of the family came to church for the first time, and loved it.  That was a super cool experience, one that you like find in the Liahona.  I have a super big testimony of the book of mormon, and we need to read that book every day to be able to combat the difficulties of our life and to always have the spirit with us.

I love you all!  Have a great week, hold to the iron rod!

Elder McQuiston

A wild pig we found wandering around not tied up, a pic of the protestant church, the marriage that we went to, the chapel 10 minutes after our meeting was suppose to start and a pic of our chapel.

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