Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Probably better than mediocre

la ora na,

First of all I would like to apologize for not having any time to write last week, but quite frankly there wasn't really anything big that went down last week, so no big deal.  Except we had this huge fireside last Sunday, and someone threw me under the bus, and made me play the piano.  Pretty much all the members on Tahaa were there, as well as the old stake president and temple president...it went alright, but I was definitely practicing every day last week.  Also I'd like to give a belated birthday shoutout to pops, sorry for not being on top of that last week.

We had a super good week this week, which started out with a split on Tuesday in Raiatea with Kelly, the only brand new 4 wheel drive truck in the mission, which was super sweet.  The split was with Elder Rybin, one of our zone leaders.  We had some good times over there in Raiatea.  Then Wednesday morning I took the boat to go back to Tahaa, and when I hopped on the boat solo, DMP happened to be there decked out in his BYU gear, what a man!  We had some good times together heading back home.

We definitely had a ton of miracles this week, I don't know what we did to deserve so many blessings, but whatever we were dong we should probably keep up.  Every day this week starting with Wednesday, at least one of our investigators accepted the invitation to be baptized.  On Wednesday Ahutiare accepted the invitation, a super cute 11 year old girl.  And she wanted to be baptized this Sunday!  Super crazy, but it was awesome!

So yeah the work is definitely picking up here a ton at Tahaa, our sector has a ton of potential for this next transfer, I sure hope that I'll stay, with transfer calls this Friday.  Also, the Hawaiki Nui Va'a 2017 is this Thursday and Friday, one of the biggest international rowing events, and it's here in our sector.  I'm pretty sure it's on national television, so look out for me haha!

I love you all, have a good week!
Elder McQuiston

The first is a pic of the transport boat between Tahaa and Raiatea
The second is a pic with DMP, what a great man
The third is a pic from Ahutiare's baptism
The fourth is a bat house that I made to get rid of our mosquito problem, there currently are not bats a Tahiti but I thought might as well just in case

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