Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Posterity roa

la ora na home!

I had such a good week this week, between the super good conference, and the new son and grandson.

So last Monday we spent pretty much the whole day rearranging the house to make room for two more elders, getting them beds and somewhere to put their clothes and stuff.  I also worked for a while on my bike, that thing has definitely seen some better days, it is barely rolling. And then Tuesday we just had a fairly normal day, we went and saw a bunch of investigators.

On Wednesday we headed over to the boat to pick up the new elders.  My new companion is Elder Kerr from Bountiful, Utah, he's pretty sweet and I'm excited to raise him here in Cumorah. Elder Arrington's new companion is Elder Taylor, Braxton Taylor from K-town.  Before the mission I knew him pretty well, and we definitely went on a bunch of double dates and stuff.  It is super weird to be in the same house with him, but it's way chill, houses with four are the best.  

I worked my new companion pretty hard this week, we had a ton of success.  We found a ton of new investigators, and were able to get a lot of investigators to come to conference.  Conference was so great, I felt a little bad for the other three though, because we had to watch it in French and they understood like nothing and were definitely nodding off the whole time.  I got a ton out of this conference, I went in with a few questions, and I got the answers for all of them.  My favorite talk was probably elder Cook's talk, I have really been working on becoming more humble, and his talk was awesome.  All of our investigators that came loved conference as well, they really felt the spirit and found answers to their prayers as well.  I have such a strong testimony that those men are called of God, and that this is really his church.

That's pretty much it for this week, I love you all and I'll talk to you next week!

Elder McQuiston

Pic's:  with our new district here on Tahaa

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