Monday, November 20, 2017

Cherry Suckers

la ora na tout le monde!

This week was a little bit rough, at the moment we don't have very many investigators.  I have noticed here that the people are really cold against our church and against the members.  This week we were very coldly received, and even chased and yelled at.  That is not typical at all of Tahitians, I don't really know why but for some reason people here don't like us.  Things are moving very slowly as well in the ward, we have a lot of things to put into place, and a lot of work to do.  We were able to fix some activities and a fireside with the bishop and DMP, hopefully we'll be able to get things going.  In the branch we have a super cool DMP named Rudy, from the Marquises.  He is super chill and funny, and is a sculptor for a living.  He goes on splits with us, and is involved in the work, which makes a huge difference.

On another note I have some stories from this week.  Early this week we went to go and see an inactive family, and a couple of the boys were outside playing their guitars.  We jammed a little bit with them, and messed around a little bit trying to freestyle rap, mixing in some reggae shout-outs, and then shared a little message with them.  And hey it worked, they came to church yesterday.

We also did a lesson this week with some recent converts that are struggling a little bit.  When we went over there the mom started talking to us, and turns out she has been planting and smoking weed...and last Sunday she went and confessed, and then came home and got rid of all the weed.  Ever since she has been super on edge, and has been giving her kids a hard time, which is super sad because they are so little and so cute.  She is crazy...I was so scared during that whole lesson.  It's super sad the effects that that stuff can have on people.

A little more on the spiritual side, me and my companion decided that we needed to help investigators apply the scripture to themselves and really read to understand.  In almost all of our lessons this week, we read a chapter of the Book of Mormon, and stopped every couple of verses, and helped the investigators really apply them.  It completely changed the way that our investigators look at the Bood of Mormon, and the way that I do as well. If we apply the scriptures to ourselves we learn so much more, and we can feel the spirit much easier. 

One last thing is that we had the chance yesterday to watch the face to face with Elder Oaks and Elder Ballard for the YSA.  It was so good, I learned so many things, and found the answers to so many of my questions.  There was a great message about finding the balance between using our agency and receiving inspiration, and how that is so important after the mission.  There are too many RM's that don't use their agency well after the mission.

I love you all, have a good week!

Elder McQuiston


1- a marae we went to last week (sacrificial grounds)
2- our guitar bros
3- A pic of where we do our coordination meetings
4-a pic of me with DMP

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