Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Goodbye Tahaa

Dear brothers and sisters, investigators, la ora na tatou,

I had a super awesome week this week, had some way good times.  As you can see I got transferred...I'm super sad about it, I love it here at Tahaa so much, I really don't want to leave.  But yes I'm getting transferred to Raiatea, the island right next to the one that I'm on.  This area has probably been my favorite, and I have to leave my posterity here all alone...but I guess all good things come to an end eventually, and I am excited to serve the people in my next area.

For the week...

Tuesday- I went on a split with Elder Taylor because Elder Arrington had some back pain, and we fixed a baptism for Saturday, which ended up going great.  We committed the fam to come back to church.  On the way home though, a bee flew in my sleeve or something and got wedged in my back. It stung my back a bunch, and I flew to a stop and made some weird noises while ripping my shirt out of my pants...for those who don't know, I HATE bees.  It was kind of embarrassing though, because after my little episode I looked up and there were a bunch of people staring at me, including the old man selling taro on the side of the road....I just waved to everyone and got back on my bike hahaha, shoot!

Wednesday- there wasn't a ton of noteworthy stuff, other than going to help bishop in his Faaapu (plantation), who just got back from being in Tahiti for a month.  I did my best on the weed wacker, but man that thing was a beast.  It was like twice as big as any weed wacker I've seen.

Thursday was the Hawaiki Nui, which was so cool.  We spent a few hours there, all 6 elders from Tahaa.  While waiting for the vaas, we split up and gave away all the brochures and stuff that we had on us to all the people that were there.  And then all the rammers come in, and there were sooo many boats, like more than I've ever seen in the same place at the same time.  And also I'm pretty sure we made it on television haha.  I'm so glad I was here to see that.

Friday was my birthday, but we didn't really do anything special, we had some lessons as usual.  A member did order me a huge cake though, and after we got home for the night, we had a little cake and ice cream party while playing some Yahtzee while we waiting for transfer calls.

Saturday was the Hipu Elders baptism, and then we pretty much spend all day Saturday and Sunday saying goodbye to everybody, and that's pretty much the rundown.

I love you all!  Jean Paul, you are my hero!

Elder McQuiston

Pics:  The first is from the Hawaiki Nui, but this pic doesn't even do it justice.

The second is me saying goodbye to a homeless guy that I love

The third is me at the feast with all of the tourists and the members

The fourth is me and my son, sad that I'm leaving

and the last one is a pic with my fam here at Tahaa

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