Monday, November 13, 2017


la ora na!

This week was transfer week, and my first week here in Raiatea.  On Tuesday I took the early morning boat over there to Raiatea, and my companion came to pick me up in Kelly.  Kelly is so nice, the nicest car in the mission, super lucky.  But let me tell you, when they handed me the keys in the middle of the city after 16 months of not driving a car, I was pretty scared.  Luckily it is the only automatic car in the mission as well, but I still took some adjusting to get back my driving skills.  Luckily  there were no accidents, and me and my companion are still alive haha.

Like I said last week my new companion is Elder Omorodion, and this is the second time that we have served together.  It's nice to be with him again, because we already know each other's teaching styles and stuff, and there's no really adjusting to do.  The sector here is super sweet, it's super pretty here at Raiatea, probably just under Tahaa.  Our sector is huge, but that's no problem in a car.  Missionary work in the car is the best, sooo much better than on a bike.  I am way worried about getting fat though now with no more exercise during the day...we'll hope and pray for the best.

On Wednesday we took the plane to Tahiti, for a leadership council that we had on Thursday.  It was super great to go back to Tahiti for a couple of days and see some of my bros from the MTC and from past areas.  The leadership council was awesome as well, I learned some great stuff, and it was really uplifting.

The work here at the moment is pretty slow, there isn't a lot of investigators that the missionaries here were teaching, and the relationship with the ward and the branch was terrible.  There is a lot of work to be done here, hopefully we can get the work going.  It is a little bit tough because we have a ton of stuff that we have to do for the zone, like go pick up things from the airport and the boat, go help the sisters change their propane, do baptismal interviews all over, fly to Tahiti, etc. but we'll figure out how to make things work.

I love you all, have a great week!
Elder McQuiston


1-A pic of Kelly- my new car
2-A pic inside Kelly
3-A pic inside the plane to Tahiti
4-A pic from the house we stayed at in Faaa

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