Tuesday, November 28, 2017

One siki down two up

la ora na tatou!

This week was pretty similar to last week, the work is still pretty slow.  We spent a lot of time this week preparing for a fireside that we are in charge of next week, in hopes that we will be able to find some new investigators.  I have a feeling that this area is going to be tough, which is good, that'll build character.

We did find someone super potential this week.  His name is Paul, a 9 year old boy.  He is the son of an active mother and an inactive father.  He comes to church every week, but wasn't well taught at home, and was not baptized.  He is super cool and a great kid.

Side note:  I have played the piano SO MUCH on my mission, you wree defintely right mom, I should of practiced more.  Just wanted to shoot my pride real quick.

Back to the weekly rapport...oh yah pday last week was so sweet, one of my favorite pdays so far.  All the missionaries from Tahaa and Raiatea all came over, and we went out to one of the motu's.  On teh motu we had a barbecue and cooked burgers, with chips and soda.   The problem was that the barbecue was pretty ghetto and we had to find wood and start a fire on a tiny island of about a 20 yard radius.  And on top of that it started raining.   Well, this is where my eagle scout skills were supposed to come in...let's just say it was a good thing there were like 8 eagle scouts there because it took a maxium effort out of all of us, half on the assembly line with the burgers and the other half stoking the fire.  AFter a couple hours of hard work we finally got our burgers haha.  After that we played some volleyball and dodgeball, super fun.

Hmm what else... oh yah funny story, the other day we came by the church and the youth were all playing basketball, so we decided to join them.  Our basketball court here is asphault, and one play Elder Omorodion went up for the ball and jumped a little too high, adn came down on his back.  He wreked his white shirt, and we had to go home and change.  I couldn't give hin any grief though because his team ended up with the win haha.

On a last note we had stake conference this week.  It was a pretty good conference, and my favorite talk was given by the stake president on keeping the sabbath day holy.  There are a lot of members that choose not to keep this commandment, and/or other commandments that seem small.  It is really sad to me, becluase all commandments are for our good, and all are necessary for our eternal progression, as well as to be happy in this life, to have peace of conscience, and have success.  I hope you all keep these commandments that might seem small, because I know they make the difference between joy and unhappiness.

I love you all!  A faaitoito teie hepetoma!

Elder McQuiston

Pics from our trip to the Motu

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