Monday, March 12, 2018

I'm going on a trip, in my favorite rocket ship

Hey fam!

What an awesome week this week!  Hanivai got baptized on Saturday!! That was a super cool experience, as with most baptisms.  We found Hanivai a couple months ago, in an inactive part member family.  When I first met Hanivai, she didn't know who God was, or anything about his teachings.  The family has come to church every week now for the past couple of months, and then this Saturday, Hanivai entered into the covenant to serve God and keep his commandments for the rest of her life.  I am so grateful and lucky to be a missionary and be a part of this incredible work!

We got transfer calls this week, and I am going to be leaving the islands, after 7 months.  I am transferred back to Tahiti, the area of Taharaa in the Arue zone.  I will be serving as a zone leader again with Elder Tomasini.  Elder Tomasini is from France, and is 2 transfers younger than me in the mission, but is 6 or 7 years older than me in real life.  He's the oldest missionary in the mission.  My companion is staying here to finish his mission, with Elder Raveneau from France, my replacement.  I'll be taking the airplane Wednesday to Tahiti.

I have loved serving here at Raiatea, it is so beautiful here and I love the islands.  I love this zone as well, and I have made so many unforgettable memories here...and although the members here were a lot tougher than the other wards I have served in, I have grown to love them so much and I'm gonna miss it here.  But I am excited for this new area, which possible is my last one, with 3 transfers left.  I have promised God that I am going to give these last few transfers everything I've got, I'm going to let down at all.  I'm not about that walking through the finish line life.

Last Monday we had an interesting experience at our family night.  We were invited to a family night at an investigators house.  Well, when we pulled up, we were surprised to see about fifty people seated in chairs waiting for us.  Wow! We definitely weren't ready for that, but we prayed for some help.  We taught the plan of salvation, and we were able to find some new investigators, I'd say it was a success!

We had the opportunity this week to go the Huahine, the third island that is in our zone.  Our stake president asked us to give training about missionary work for the members over there.  So Friday we took the plane and did 2 different trainings, one for the ward missionaries and ward mission leaders and the other for the ward councils from 3:30 until 7:00.  It went pretty well, we got a lot of participation and I really hope that the members will get more involved in missionary work at Huahine.  We were able to do a little sightseeing with the first counselor in the stake presidency before he dropped us off at the airport Saturday morning and man Huahine is beautiful!

I love you all, have a great pday!  ;)


1- Me with a huge sack of rambutans, a way good fruit here
2- Me with our new ward mission leader Manu
3-Classic Tahiti food, raw fish on the left, then fafaru, miti hue, some lagoon fish in a pot, taro and sweet potatoes
4-The family Tsiong Tsing
5-Our stake president and his wife
6-The Tehuiotoa family, our stake second counselor
7, 8 & 9-Pictures of some landscape
10 & 11-From the Huahine airport
12-the mountain a Huahine called Fiti, the mountain that Moana is based off of
13, 14 & 15 are pics from a dope lookout at Huahine, and my failed hang loose
16 & 17-Some pics from Hanivai's baptism

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