Monday, March 19, 2018

The car's gonna start smoking

Good evening everyone!

Man this week was one crazy's  nice to be pday and have some time to relax a little bit, because this week we hit the grind.  But I'm starting to get my feet under me and get used to the area. Before talking about anything else this week I better talk about the car.  I can't remember if I mentioned last week but our car here is a manual, and I'm driving!  And let me tell you, it is super hard to learn how to drive stick in a busy city, with a mountain smack dab in the middle.  I can't even count how many times I stalled this baby, but luckily I have avoided any damage or death so far.  I'm a little worried about the car making it out alive, but as we say here, "Haere mua"  (move forward)

My new area here in Arue is fairly small, and like I said is in the city.  The ward seems really strong, which is definitely a nice relief from some of the wards that I have served in recently.  We are in a fairly rich area, I've seen more French people here than my whole mission combined.  We have a decent amount of investigators, and several of them are fairly potential. We are teaching a family that is kind of famous here in our mission, a couple named L. and T.  T. is half French, and is super funny, and really unique.  He was deep into cocaine and ice when the missionaries found him 8ish months ago.  He has been fighting hard to get off of his addiction, and has gone 2 months without consuming.  We teach them every evening, and I already love them.

I really appreciate my new companion as well, Elder Tomasini.  Like I said he is really old, the oldest missionary in the mission (27).  He is really mature, and a very very talented teacher.  He is really smart as well, and already has his college degree.  He is from France, but did his studies in England and speaks really good English.  We get along great, and I know that I am going to learn a ton from him. 

This last Monday for our pday activity we did some carving with our DMP for my last pday at Raiatea.  I'm gonna miss him, we had some great times together.  On Tuesday I went and said last goodbyes to everyone... That's always the hardest day.  On Wednesday we took the plane back to Tahiti and had a layover in Bora Bora.  That'll be the tenth island that I have been to on my mission!

It's a lot different being back here at Tahiti...i've already seen a bunch of my mission buddies, and there are sooo many more people.  I'm not going to tell you how I know, but the water is definitely more drinkable here.  The work is a lot better here as well, members give good referrals and there are a lot more people to teach.  I am excited to work here!

I love you all!

Elder McQuiston


1-my branch president is on the left, and my dmp on the right
2-The Charles family
4-Hanivai and her family
5-My two sons

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