Monday, March 5, 2018

Still can't find a new pen

Sorry for the short letter last week!  Hopefully I can make up for it this week, fill in a few gaps.  All in all, there isn't a whole lot to say, but I'll give some updates on our investigators.

Ok, to start off, last week I was able to go on a split with Elder Kerr, my son, because his companion is the district leader at Tahaa.  It was nice to be with an American again, and nice to catch up with him.  We had a pretty good day together, everyone actually understood his French!  I'm so proud of my son! :)

We had a pretty cool experience last Sunday.  We were supposed to give the sacrament talks at Vaiaau, but when we went out to start the ar that morning, the battery was dead.  We went out searching for someone that had jumper cables, but we were out of luck.  We had about five minutes left before it would be too late to drive to Vaiaau.  So I decided to say a prayer and give it one last try.  I got back in the car, and turned the key and...yah, no luck.  Still didn't work.  So I decided my faith must be too small and pulled out the phone to call the branch president.  But just as I was dialing a car pulled up next to ours and asked us if we needed jumper cables.  We were able to get to church on time.  I know that the Lord answers our prayers and that we can always put our trust in him and he will never let us down.

We had our carnival activity as I mentioned, which was awesome, a big success.  We had to spend most of Friday preparing for it with the young men.  We cut the bamboo and stuff.  We had 20ish investigators that came!  We did an open house right before the carnival and hopefully, that got them interested in the church.

An update on some of our potential investigators, first off there's Hanvai.  Hanivai is 12 years old and we've been teaching her for a couple of months.  Last Sunday, she finally accepted the invitation to get baptized.  We did the program and the interview this past week and she is going to be getting baptized this Saturday.

Terii and Bettina are planning on getting married and baptized next month.  They left for Bora for a month to work, and just got home yesterday, so we'll pick the lessons back up tomorrow.

We got some super sad news from the S. family last night.  They had seen some bad examples and offensive comments from members and decided that they don't want to join our church and asked to stop the lessons.  That really bummed me out, I love that family.  But I trust the Lord, and I know that he wanted us to be there and that he has a plan for them.  And I know that there will come another time for them.  but man that's gotta be one of the hardest things on a mission.

I love you all, have a great week!!

Elder McQuiston

1.  a pic of my son with the famous apetahi plant
2.  my son and I decided to take the lead but got lost
3.  Chillin on the edge of a cliff
4.  DMP Rudy with my whale...always been drawn to those
5.  the S. couple
6.  Me hittin the bamboo

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