Monday, May 14, 2018

Happy Mother's Day!

Hey fam!!

We had an awesome week this week!! I'm not gonna lie I don't have a ton of motivation to write this week nor a lot of time, and I just talked to you all yesterday, but I'll do my best hahah.

We had a couple of hard days this week, with a lot of lessons canceled, and not a lot of success.  Tuesday and Friday were both pretty tough, we drove all over just to face rejection wherever we went.  We ended up going on a split though with someone preparing to leave on his mission and went to see one of his friends that accepted to take the lessons.  That was awesome, he's a super nice guy too.

We had a couple of good days as well.  On Wednesday we had some solid lessons and were ablet o work a lot with the stake leaders.  We had a great meeting with the stake president, the high council member, and President Fox.  We were able to get their support to solve several difficulties in the zone and make some solid plans.  Thursday we had a solid service project with Timothee and chopped down some banana trees on a ladder, that was pretty fun.  I love service projects, and that took the majority of the morning. 

Saturday was awesome as well, we went on a trip to Moorea, the island right next to ours.  We did a training meeting with the ward mission leaders over there for a few hours in the morning.  We did some contacting with them, and went to their baptism, and then finished off with a fireside over there.

Alrighty I gotta go.  I love you all and have a good week!

Elder McQuiston

1-Some chickens mourning the loss of a loved one
2-Moorea wooo island lifeee
3-Us with the Moorea Elders
4-Typical baptismal refreshments here at Tahiti
5-Heavy training prep
6-A pic of us on the boat to Moorea

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