Monday, May 7, 2018

Weet-Bix or die

Hey fam!

Man we had an awesome week this past week!  Things are picking right up in this area, and Elder Kimball and I really make a great team. We are working way hard, and are really seeing results.  We were able to work a lot with members this week, and have been busy until 9 at night every day.  We were able to find some new investigators and a lot of new potential investigators.  We were even able to fix Timothee's baptism, he really wants to get baptized and told us to send the paperwork to the Bishop because he's ready.  Our DMP is awesome and we were able to spend a lot of time with him this week, there was even one day that he spent an ENTIRE day with us.  How many of you would go on a split with the missionaries from 10 am to 8pm?  I'm loving these last few transfers!  Sorry about the short email but I don't have a ton of time and I'm getting a little tired of writing every week hahah sorry fam.

I love you all!
Elder McQuiston

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