Monday, May 21, 2018

Optimus Prime

Hey Fam!!

What's the new in with the crew?  We had a killer week this week!  We were really able to get things moving this week in the area.  We were able to work a lot with the members this week, and we were able to find several new investigators.  The work is really starting to pick up here in the area, we have a solid teaching pool, and have been able to gain the member's trust.

I think I'm just gonna hope around a little, keep you guys on your toes.  I had kind of a cool experience with an inactive that we are teaching named Jean Pierre.  The other week after a lesson with him I wasn't really feeling right and was feeling kinda bad for him because we have been teaching him every week for a while now but he hasn't really made any progress on his scripture reading and the Word of Wisdom.  Well, I felt like we should try and do more for him.  And this week we offered to come and read the Book of Mormon with him every morning.  He has started to make a lot of progress, and I really feel a lot better about him.  I know that that was the spirit guiding us.  I have learned a lot about recognizing the spirit and listening to his promptings on my mission.  I really believe that God wants to talk to each of us, and he really is willing to.  I know that if we make it possible to receive personal revelation by being obedient to God's commandments and by keeping our covenants, God will talk to us.  And if we listen to the inspiration that we receive, we will be blessed in our lives and live a life with more peace and happiness. 

This week was a big reminder for me as well about optimizing the day.  We had interviews with President, and in my interview, he gave me some advice about avoiding trunkiness.  He said it is all about optimizing every day.  We had leadership council as well this week, and we just so happened to talk about optimizing the day as well.  And then for the third time during our district meeting, we once again started talking about optimizing the day.  I got the message, and with my companion, we set some goals of how we are going to optimize every day for the end of this transfer and for the next.  We will be leaving the house at 9:30 am and coming back at curfew at 9pm.  No more coming back for lunch, or lollygagging before/between our studies.  It's a sacrifice that we're gonna make, but we hope that it will help us get some more time to do proselyting in the area.  Take that trunky

Speaking of the leadership council, I don't know if I've said anything about that but somehow I got designated as the pianist for like the past 4 leadership councils.  I never thought that I would use my piano skills so much on my mission, I'm not even good.  But thanks mom and dad for making me stay on that piano bench while I spent an hour complaining about practicing for 30 minutes.  For all those kids out there that hate piano practice, stick in there because you are actually going to use it one day.

Our English class has been killing it lately, this past week we had 10 people come.  Too bad that people aren't as good at spreading the good word as they are at spreading the word that we are teaching English.

I've got a few funny stories this week.  We had to move back to our old 2 person house this week because Elder Claflin got a second son and there wasn't enough room in their house anymore, which is kind of a bummer.  AS we were moving back, we were moving a fridge into the house, and when I squat down to set it on the ground, I heard a huge rip.  Almost the entire crotch seam ripped hahaha.  I'm really cutting it close these last couple months I'm running out of clothes.

Shout out to our DMP he is really coming in clutch lately.  He is with us all the time recently.  He is a recent convert of less than a year.  He is really humble, but also really funny.  And he looks a lot like dad too, if dad got the Lamanites curse they'd be twins.  Anyways on Saturday, he came on a split with us for the entire day again.  He's starting to get pretty comfortable sharing the gospel now, he has helped us find a bunch of investigators and is starting to participate in a lot of lessons.  We went to the store to grab something to eat, and there at the store there was a local ukelele band hired to entertain.  We'll all of a sudden DMP grabs someone's ukelele, and then before we know it he joins in with the band, all dressed up in his church clothes.  What a man.  And then on the way out, he says he needs to go to the bathroom, and just heads right into the women's restroom.  There were some women that came out with a shocked look on their face, and then DMP comes out super embarrassed hahah and tells us that we need to go now and hurries to the car hahaha we were dying. 

Well, that's all for today folks.  I love you all have a good week!

Elder Pakistan (more people probably call me that than McQuiston)

1-Dragon Fruit, I think, pretty good
2-Made some cakes for Elder Rainer's bday
3-ripped my pants...
4-Our DMP and our investigator named Sandrine
5-A Chinese grandma names Jyiy that we started teaching
6-Got stuck in the middle of a bike race and figured better take a pic in the action

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