Monday, May 28, 2018

Week 70

Hey everyone,

Another week has come to an end out here on the mish.  I got the sad news this morning about grandpa passing away...that's a bummer.  I love him a lot, and I have a lot of great memories with him, fishing, hunting, golfing, political talks and impeach Obama stickers, going out to eat at Mexican restaurants or buffets, the doorbell with triple knock combo, just to name a few.  But he's moved on to a better place, no more suffering in an imperfect body.  I really like Alma 46:39-41, 
39 And it came to pass that there were many who died, firmly believing that their souls were redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ; thus they went out of the world rejoicing.  
40 And there were some who died with fevers, which at some seasons of the year were very frequent in the land-but not so much so with fevers, because of the excellent qualities of the many plants and roots which God had prepared to remove the cause of diseases, to which men were subject by the nature of the climate-
41 But there were many who died with old age; and those who died in the faith of Christ are happy in him, as we must needs suppose.

Grandpa went out rejoicing and happy, as we all can hope to be if we keep the faith.  I love you grandpa mahoney!

We had a pretty good week this pat week.  We had a zone conference on Wednesday, with a big focus on baptismal invitations, because our baptismal statistics are way down from last year.  We did some role plays, and it was really well done, and motivating.  Coming out of that the next day, we went to see our investigator Sandrine.  On Sunday we had invited all to the investigators in our gospel principles to get baptized the last Saturday in June.  Well we did the follow up with that and she agreed!  And not only that, but she talked with her kids, and they are also interested, and we will be starting the lessons with them this week.

On another note, I realized this week that I'm pretty bad at door-to-door contacting.  We spent some hours doing that this week because of some holes in our agenda.  And yah we didn't find a single person to teach.  Contacting already isn't very efficient here, and after 20 months of doing minimal contacting, I never picked up that skill.  That's alright, thumbs down to door-to-door!

On Tuesday we did a split with our district leader.  I went in his area, and we had a pretty good day together.  I had kind of an interesting experience while contacting a reference that they had received.  It was a mamie named Rangi, and when we started talking to her, she started talking to us pretty rudely in broken French, as usual with Old Tahitians.  Well as we got further in the conversation, we found out that she was from the cook islands.  I asked her if she spoke English, and she responded to me in perfect English.  So what do you know, I contacted someone in English for the first time on my mission.  She was actually really nice and loving and polite in English, kind of interesting.  And she accepted us to come back, woo!

On Sunday there was an American couple that came from California.  We translated Sacrament meeting for them, and it was funny to hear all of their commentary about how different things are here, things that I have long forgotten about.  The translating was a little rough.  I dont' think that that lady understood my English at all haha whoops.

Funny story from this week, we were waiting in the car outside DMP's house for him to come out.  Well a drunk guy came kup and started chatting with us, and starting talking nonsense.  So we started speaking to him in English, and he definitely didn't understand anything we were saying, but I don't think that he realized it.  So we just had a nice 10 minute English-French conversation in teh car waiting for DMP.  Good times. 

I love you all, have a good week!

Elder McQuiston

1-Tim and Elder Kimball with the beer before Tim dumped it out
2-Classic road in Tahiti
3-Just walking like a gomer
4 & 5- Some pics on top of a mountain while contacting 

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