Monday, June 11, 2018

Week 100

One more week cracking pavement as they say.  Things are getting toasty out here in Taharaa, not really on the temperature scale tho, I'm getting pretty chilly actually.  I've woken up in the middle of the night a few times this week and had to put on the sheet.  We're getting into the lows of winter now, probably like down in the 75's.  I'm pushing through the trial though no worries, I'll endure.  

But yah things are going pretty solid with our investigators.  We had 5 investigators at church yesterday, which is pretty good for this ward.  It's the most that I've seen since I've been here.  We've got Sandrine that has come a few times now with her 10 year old son.  She is doing great and preparing to get baptized, and we are trying to work on her son as well.  Josephine has come a few times as well.  The first time that we visited her she was super prideful and unloaded the four lettered word cannon on us, and I though there was no way she was potential, but figured might as well come back to share the restoration anyways.  Well since that day she has completely changed, loves coming to church and is also preparing to get baptized.  That's what I love so much about the Gospel!  Timothee is doing well as well, pretty much the same old.

We have been able to find a bunch of new investigators recently, a lot of which are pretty potential, and are really curious with the church and our teachings.  Their names are Ayron, Raiteva, Poe and Cicil.  Keep all of them in your prayers if you remember!

Speaking of mami Cicil, she is a Chinese mami, that only speaks Tahitian and Mandarin.  It is the very first investigator that I have taught that doesn't really understand French.  It is kinda fun teaching her, it reminds me of the beginning of my mission.  I understand the majority of what she says, and then my companion and I struggle to respond in Tahitian.

We had a ward sports activity on Saturday morning, and they pulled out the petanque.  I'm getting pretty good at petanque, I've considered putting my missionary career to the side for the last few weeks to try out a petanque career.  I haven't decided yet, I'll keep you all updated.

Funny story, we were contacting and we met an inactive member that is the brother of an active member that I know.  I asked him if he had served a mission and he gives me a weird smile and says, "yah, the mission of Satan".  Classic.  It's only in Tahiti that saying something like that and being serious is normal.

Saturday night a family from Canada came and did a concert in our stake.  It was soeur Dumoulin Morphis' family, from Raiatea.  She has 7 younger brothers and sisters, and they are all way musically talented.  They theme of the concert was on the family, basically talking about how important it is to have family unity and love and the Gospel, and to raise your kids well and stuff.  The Tahitians loved it, and were all dumbfounded that there exists family's like that united and with so much love and stuff.  That made me think of my fam, and made me way grateful for my family.  It is sad that the family here isn't very strong.  There is a lot of violence and arguing and a lack of parenting.   The family is so important, and is central to the plan of God.  Our family relations have a big impact on our spiritual and temporal lives.  We should be extra careful how we treat the members of our family, and do all we can to make sure that the Lord is at the center of our life and our family.  

I love you all, have a good week!

Elder McQuiston

Pics:  some pics with Timothee and with mami Cicil

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