Monday, June 4, 2018


Hey everyone!

We had a great week this week!  Transfers came around, and I'm  going to finish my mission in Bora Bora!! I'm leaving this afternoon, I'm way excited!  I thought for sure that I was going to finish my mission here in Arue, but hey I'll take the island life again.  I may or may not have asked president to send me there to finish, but as they say, ask and ye shall receive.  The area is Vaitape, and my new companion is a Tahitian named Elder Haavare.

Yeah no, I'm not actually getting transferred, that would be fun though.  The work really went forward this week!  We were able to find several new investigators this week, and fix some more baptismal dates.  I'm really hoping to be able to get at least 1 more baptism before I leave, and the odds are looking pretty good.  We had a cool experience the other day, in the search of a reference that we had got.  We knew the name of the neighborhood, but that was about it.  We went into the neighborhood and drove all the way the mountain to the top, just to scout out the territory.  We decided to try a random house near the top, and what do you know the bishop of the ward right next to ours comes out!  He was visiting his daughter and son-in-law, who isn't a member for a couple years.  So we got a reference from him and then got back in the car.  We went back near the beginning of the neighborhood and go up and start talking to someone working on his scooter.  What do you know, it was the reference that we were looking for!  We had a good discussion with him, and fixed a time to meet with his family.  If that's not being led by the spirit idk what is.  

We were able to do a couple service projects this week, which was awesome.  I love service projects so much, especially for people who are really in need.  One of them was for an investigator that is a widow, she just lost her husband a couple months ago.  We got the district together and moved a huge pile of rotting wood and leaves and stuff, to a place where she burn it.  It took us a couple hours, and it made her super happy.  That would've taken her an entire day to do that by herself.  That felt really good.

I also got in an accident this week, and I'm super lucky that nobody got hurt.  I was turning left pulling out of a dirt road onto a 2 land road.  The traffic going right was backed up.  The car stopped to let me turn, and as I started to pull out a scooter flew out from behind the line of cars going about 30 mph.  He was doubling all over the traffic and I couldn't see him hidden behind the cars.  Luckily there was minor damage, and he didn't get hurt, he could have gotten really injured.  But we're all good!

I had a testimony builder on prayer this week.  We had a n investigator that was really worked up the other morning, and called up pretty upset.  I prayed for him to be able to calm down, and for something that I could share with him.  During my prayer a random story from the old testament came to mind, that was perfect for him.  And then 10 minutes later while I was studying the story, the investigator called back all calm, and apologized.  I really believe that God answers our prayers of faith, and prayer has been a huge blessing for me during my mission.  It is somethings simople that we do every day, but we shouldn't let it become routine or take it for granted.  God really listens to us, and wants to bless us.

I love you all!

Elder McQuiston

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