Monday, June 25, 2018

One week older and wiser too

Hey Fam!!

We had an awesome week this week, and it flew by.  On Tuesday we did a split with the Elders at More, and I went over there and spent the day with mu son, Elder Arrington which was way fun.  I left on Monday morning instead of Tuesday, that way I had the p-day to spend over there.  It was pretty chill, Moorea is way pretty, and brought me back to the life in the islands.  We were able to check out a suer pretty hotel that is pretty cheap, only 1000 bucks a night if there's any takers out there.  We lucked out and got to see a dolphin show while we were visiting the hotel for free, not a bad deal.  We also checked out some cool sights, did the tour of the island, and checked out the huge juice factory Rotui.  The split was sweet too, I had some good times with my son, he's learned a lot since the last time that I taught with him.  We fixed a baptism together as well which was pretty sweet!  Except that was the first time since I've gotten on a bike in 7 months, and WOW is that different than the car.  My butt and thighs were on fire the whole day hahah.  It's been too long.

I'm getting a little bit nervous living at our house.  We live in a little house behind the chapel in Pirae.  Our stuff has been getting  stolen during the night, and it's been really annoying.  Well the other day, someone my clothes out of the dryer in the middle of the day.  ROBBED!  Literally haha!  And in addition to that we have started to wake up int he morning with drunk/stoned homeless people sleeping outside our house.  They start walking around like zombies when they wake up no joke haha.  I just gotta hold out 3 more weeks hahah then I'll be back in the safety of Utah lol.  I made it a little more dramatic than it is haha.  I'll be fine don't worry mom.

There was a funny story this week about my companion.  He is gluten intolerant, which I think I already told you all.  The other night we went to pick up some food that a member had made us.  When we get there he tells us, "I know that one of you is allergic to gluten, and so I didn't want to play around with the, so I made sure not to make any rice.  I put some wheat bread in instead, with the fish." And he was completely serious.  Haha.  Thanks Brian for the bread.

There is some big progression going on with Josephine!  We met her husband Raymond this week, and we invited him to come to church with his wife.  They came together on Sunday with the son!   Our stake president happened to be there with us and took the family in an interview with us during the third hour.  They talked a lot about marriage, and Raymond accepted to follow the lessons!  That is awesome news, pray for them that all goes well!

On Saturday we went to Pare's baptism.  The baptismal service was awesome, and the convert bore an awesome testimony, in front of all of his family that was there.  The spirit was so strong there, as at all baptisms.  It really hit me, I love this work so much.  I love teaching the gospel, and I love helping people prepare to meet God.  I love seeing them live the gospel, and make changes in their lives.  I really really am going to miss that, this really is the best and most important work on this earth!

I love you all!

Elder McQuiston

Pics: riding the bike at More this is my view, just turned around and snapped a pic from one of the houses at which we taught a lesson, from the top of the hill in our area, Elder Torres' birthday cake, some pic's of the hotel in Moorea and the dolphin show that we invited ourselves to, more pic's of Moorea and the Rotui juice factory.

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