Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Ups and Downs

Kasha everyone!  We kinda had a more difficult week this week...Some sad choices that some of our investigators made :/  But at the end of the day they all have agency, and they can chose what they want to do.  But we also saw some miracles and had some blessings this week as well, which was cool to see.

On Tuesday it as pouring rain like all day, so we were all decked out in rain gear.  We had some lessons cancelled on us Tuesday morning, so we did a little bit of contacting.  We found this crazy Jehovah's witness, and he started going crazy drawing this big diagram on the ground about the amount of Muslims in the world... I have no idea where he was trying to go with that haha.  And then after that we had a lesson with Steven, who was like an hour late.  And he cancelled his baptismal date, he said he wants to make the most out of his youth.  Kinda sad, but we're not given up on him.

On Wednesday we had the worldwide missionary broadcast...which was supposed to take 2 hours, but because of the connection it ended up taking 5 haha.  But it was a super good broadcast, and they made some pretty big changes, both to our schedule and they took away a lot of key indicators, which is huge.

On Thursday we went on a split with DMB and Sr. Ellis, and had a lesson with their sister.  it was a super good lesson, and she's really potential, which is awesome.  Her name is Anne-Marie, and she's looking for a change in her life.  We also had a super good lesson with Julie on Thursday.  We felt prompted to read a chapter, and it turned out to be the answer to her prayer, the last verse of 2 Nephi 31.  She realized that our church is the only way to eternal life, and left everything behind with the Catholic church.  Now the only thing that she needs is to convince her boyfriend to let them get married.

On Friday we had a lesson with a potential investigator, who turned out to not really be interested.  We had our district meeting after that, then went to eat lunch at an investigators house.  We had this weird curry stuff, but instead of meant the made this flour glutton stuff that was super nasty haha.  And for diner we ate with Celestine, who was going like crazy...dropping so many swear words and calling her daughter a prostitute and stuff...the spirit wasn't there at all, and it was super uncomfy.

Saturday we also had a good day.  We had a really good lesson with Cynthia, a 20 year investigator.  She finally told us what has been blocking her for these 20 years.  And we committed her to fix it, and the spirit was super strong.

Yesterday Beatrice didn't come to church sadly, so we headed up to her house.  She was super drunk, and was trying to like hug us and we just got outta there.  Super sad, she's one of our most potential investigators at Nuku Hiva, but she keeps doing stuff like that that let's the devil hold her back.

That's pretty much everything for this week....Oh and I got my inhaler this morning, so we're all good thanks dad.  Have a good week everyone!

Elder McQuiston

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