Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Kaoha tatou!

We had a pretty good week this week.  We found some really potential investigators, and a couple of our investigators are progressing pretty quickly towards their baptism.

So before I give the run down of this week we had something pretty funny that happened.  The other day I was getting ready for the day and when I came out of the bathroom to my surprise there was a chicken in our room.  It was going crazy, and we both tried to get it to go out the door, but it simple refused, running all over the place.  So I grabbed my casse-tete, and nailed the chicken against the wall...which seemed to do the trick, it got the idea we didn't wanna have chickens as pets, and flew outside.

We started doing lessons with Ronny, the son of Marie Chantal.  He's 10 years old an is way smart, and we're planning on baptizing him our next trip to Ua Huka, we're gonna try to fix his baptism this week.

On Monday we did a neighborhood family night at DMB's house.  I'm pretty sure that all of the Adventists on the island were there haha...we watched Meet the Mormons, and there were a bunch of people;e that were super touched, and the DMB was so happy haha he was like giddy...I love the DMB.  And then of course there was the crazy Adventist mami that had to bash on the film afterwards...But what can you do.

We had a super cool experience the other day too.  We felt prompted to go up and see this family that we know.  We went up there, and turns out it was his birthday.  The conversation was pretty normal at first, and then he started asking some questions he had about our church.  We taught him the story of Joseph Smith, and he was super touched.  He's had a lot of cool stories in his life, and it's clear that the Lord has been preparing him for our message.

Thursday morning we headed out with our neighbor Jacob, and picked a bunch of mangoes, as well as cracked coconuts.  He taught me how to do it, which was way tough at first but I got the hang of it eventually.  Fresh coconuts are SO GOOD I love them.  And now we have a fridge full heck yah.

And then yesterday we headed out with DMB, his wife, and Sr. Ellis for Aakapa right after sacrament meeting.  It was super fun, and super successful as well.  We saw all three families in Aakapa that are members, even tho two of the families said they wouldn't be there.

That's pretty much the run down for this week.  I love you all, I know that the church is true!  And I know that if we keep doing everything that we are asked to do; keep the commandments, read our scriptures, say our prayers, and go to church, we will be prepared by the Lord to fulfill our role in this life and in the life to come.  I know that the Lord will never allow us to have trials that are too much for us, and that in doing our best to follow his gospel, we will find peace in our lives and He will always be there to help us.

I love you all, until next week!
Elder McQuiston

Pictures:  me with Aakapa in the background, me with my tiki bros, Us with Hatiheu in the background, me mid backflip cliff diving

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