Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Ua Huka miracles round one

Alrighty, so first of all, I got the coup de fil Friday night, and I'm getting transferred.  I'm heading back home to Tahiti, to Mahatma at Papeari.  My new companion is Elder Omorodian or something like that, I think he's from France or Africa or something.  But I'm not gonna be transferred for like 2 weeks, because I'm stuck at Ua Huka for the time being.  It's way sad to be leaving everyone, they're basically my family now after so long here, but I don't have any regrets, I know that I did everything I could, and gave it my all.

On Tuesday I had my Testimony really strengthened about teaching by the spirit.  I really focused the whole day on not being afraid to say what I'm prompted to say, and I really focused on relying on the spirit to tell me what to say and what scriptures to share.  It was kinda tough, but the spirit was super strong in the lessons, and I found myself saying stuff that like I've never really thought about before, but that were perfect for the investigators, and I know it was from the spirit.  Also we had some kinda weird news, Beatrice said she's done taking lessons and wants to stay Catholic, but that she's gonna let her son get baptized, and so he's gonna get baptized soon after we get back.

On Wednesday we headed down to Taipivai.  Once again, Fr Ah Scha went on a split with us that lasted like the whole day.  He had the idea to go to every house at Hooumi, and just say hi to everyone.  Understandably, I was skeptical at first, thinking it was kinda a waste of time.  But like halfway through the city, we found someone that was super interested and is really potential.  And kinda funny story, in the middle of a lesson, all of a sudden out of no where Fr Ah Scha slapped my face way hard, and I was super surprised and looked over at him, who just had this enormous sincere smile on his face.  He showed me his hand, with a dead mosquito on it, and just whispered "I got it".

I got the Valentines package on Thursday, thanks so much everyone for hookin me up fatty.  We also got hooked up in this huge Adventist bible bash...Aaaaiiiiaaa

Then on Friday we felt in to Ua Huka, and it's been awesome here so far.  Nothing huge has happened yet it's been fairly calm, but we're praying and fasting that we can have some miracles this week that will let us have some baptisms on Saturday.  We are gonna do a fast starting tonight, and we're praying for Ronny, Melodie, Vania, Roger, Aldo, and Julie, if anyone wants to join us.

Meeting Vania yesterday was kinda a miracle.  I felt prompted to go visit her, and it was someone that we randomly encountered the first time I came here, like 3 months ago.  Turns out she had just arrived from Hiva Oa an hour or so earlier.  She gladly accepted us, and had a ton of questions.  She had taken the lessons in the past, and is basically ready to be baptized already.  She said she just needs to get baptized now, she can't wait any longer.  And she even said that she's gonna dump all of her coffee today.  Cool story.

Alright that's pretty much all for this week, I took some pics but the computers being stubborn so I'll have to send them when we get back.  I love you all, passez une bonne semaine!

Elder McQuiston

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