Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Last week before Ua Huka

Kaoha...Man there really isn't a whole lot that happened this week, it was pretty much a blur, it went by so fast.

On Tuesday we had a really good lesson with Ronny, the 10 year old that lives at Ua Huka.  We're going to try and baptize him in the next two weeks while we're there, but it isn't fixed yet.  We also had three of our investigators tell us that they want to stay Catholic, which is super frustrating.  We just have to hope and pray that they'll read the book of mormon and pray about it.

On Wednesday we went to Taipivai as usual.  It was a little bit more successful this week, we found a couple potential investigators, Fr.  Ah Scha came with us on his bike, and ended up staying with us the whole day which was pretty cool.  Some JW's came up to us and tried to bible bash us, and we destroyed them haha pretty funny.  Fr Ah Scha was getting so worked up it was kinda funny hahaha.  We also started up the english classes again, and we had a pretty good turnout.

Our most potential investigator right now is probably Marie.  We had a couple of lessons with her this  week, and she started to read the book of Mormon, and is like marking in it and everything.  We are hoping to set her baptismal date soon, she just is really hesitant to get married, because it's her 3rd husband.

Saturday and Sunday we had our branch conference.  Our district president flew in Friday, and we had a bunch of meetings with him throughout the weekend.  On Saturday we had a branch activity all morning, where the Tama's taught us how to make these bag things that are supposedly way big in Tahiti.  Saturday night we were in charge of a fireside, which went super well.  We had a bunch hot people there, and we watched a few little videos and talked and testified about them, on the theme of the restoration.

Well that's about it for this week, finger's crossed that we'll be able to email next week. Je vous time!

Elder McQuiston

Pic's:  The first one is me braiding some dried leaf thing that took forever during our activity on Saturday.  The second one is an attempt to take a picture with the sunset.

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