Thursday, February 16, 2017

Preaching with a broken ankle

Kaoha everybody!

Alright lets get right into this week,

On Tuesday we had 6 lessons cancelled on us, typical Marquises...but we did have a couple of really good lessons nonetheless.  We talked with some Adventist, that said she would read and pray about the book of mormon.  We also got to see Marie C., who is here at Nuku Hiva for a couple of weeks to help her dad who's in the hospital, which was cool.  We also had a really good lesson with our neighbor Jacob, he's cruising in the Book of Mormon, he's almost to Alma already.  Oh that reminds me, our mission president wants us to do a little bit longer of a trip to Ua Huka, so we're gonna be there from the 24th of Feb. to the 7th of March.

On Wednesday we spent the whole day at Taipivai, We found some potential investigators, so we are planning on going to Taipivai every Wednesday to see our investigators regularly.

On Thursday we started off the day with 3 lessons over Skype.  Yvonne had a super cool experience, she fasted for her father who was in a coma and had cancer, and the like the next day he came out of the coma and didn't have cancer anymore.

Saturday we almost got killed by this huge dog...Normally it's chained up, but they forgot to chain him up on Saturday.  It was like freaking out and it riled up like 4 other dogs, and there weren't any rocks on the ground for us to throw at it.  It was like just about to attack us, when the owner came out of the house and nailed it with a huge rock...super lucky haha.  We had a missionary activity at 15h, which was super fun and super successful, probably one of the funniest things so far on my mission.  We gave a training on how to do missionary work, and how to share with people.  We did a role play activity after that, which was hilarious.  DMB gave probably one of the worst example's i've every seen, and everyone was dying it was so funny.  We then split up into teams, and went out to find some references.  I went with the T.'s, and we went and saw one of Sr. T's friends from work.  It was super good, and she is extremely potential, she said she's searching for the truth, and she knows that the Catholics and Adventists aren't true.

Church yesterday was awesome, I gave a talk on how to make the sacrament more meaningful.  I was pretty nervous, but it went pretty we'll, I ended up speaking for like 20 minutes.  And then our lesson in Sunday school was super funny, everyone was loving it, our investigators included.

Well that's pretty much everything that I can think of this week, have a good week everyone!

Elder McQuiston

Pic's, picking Mango's with the neighbors

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