Monday, April 9, 2018

2 birds with one stone

la ora na tout le monde!

How are you all??

This week was a little bit tough in terms of missionary work.  This area is pretty challenging, and we have a lot of investigators that require a lot of attention, time and effort but they progress very slowly.  Gratefully, on the mission, although there are tough weeks, there are never bad weeks.  Even as we go through trials and hardships, thanks to our Savior and our righteous living, we can be joyful regardless.

I may have mentioned this already but drugs are a big problem in this area.  We have a few investigators that are trying to get off of drugs and are working towards baptism.  Well, this week one of these investigators relapsed after having been off of them for a couple of months.  In two days, he spent a thousand dollars and doesn't even remember most of it.  For three days he spent the whole day in his bed and doesn't even know what happened.  And then in the days that followed, we did some service projects helping him get back to normal, calming him, running errands with him, etc.  It is crazy the effects that drugs have, they are so horrible...

But despite the difficulties that we have with our investigators, there were a few highlights of this week.  One of which was that I was able to go to the endowment and sealing of some recent converts from Raiatea.  That was a really really cool experience and was the first sealing that I've been to before.  The spirit is crazy strong when covenants in the temple are made, and I am really grateful for the chance I had to be able to be there.

I ran out of time to say more, but I love you all!

Elder McQuiston

1-4-This extremely crazy Marquisien guy that we ran in to
5- Me trying to take a picture of the ocean, and I realize that there's an Asian reading a book sideways....of course
6-7- some pics we took from the top of a mountain in our area
8-A picture with the family being sealed

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