Monday, April 2, 2018

President Nelson has my heart

laorana tatou!

What an amazing conference weekend!  We had a little bit of a tough week this week, but the conference made up for it.  The reason that I say that it was a little bit tough is because of our lack of investigators here.  We don't have very many that are reliable and had a lot of lessons canceled on us this week.  But that is definitely part of the mission, you can't expect much else.

However, we did have a couple miracles this week.  We found a new investigator named Lana.  She is 32, and we found her at the genealogy center.  Apparently, she comes to the chapel every day for hours on end to do her genealogy.  She accepted the invitation to do a lesson with us, and as soon as I said the opening prayer she burst into tears and told us about 10 times that she wants to change religions and become Mormon.  That is definitely something that you don't see every day.  She doesn't live in our area sadly so I won't be able to see what happens with her, but the Papeete Elders will take care of her.  I also met an inactive member the other day names C.  that I met like 7 months ago at Tahaa, when I had shared a message with him. When I talked to him, he remembered exactly what I had shared with him, and he has come back to church here in Taharaa ever since.  That was a pretty cool experience.  He is a super nice guy,  but has a mental handicap or something.  He has a great memory and understands everything, but he takes 5 seconds to process any information, which makes talking to him similar to a phone call with a bad connection that is delayed.  That makes for long lessons, but that's alright. 

So back to conference, what an uplifting and memorable conference!  I felt the spirit so strong and was able to receive answers to almost all of the questions that I had prepared.  The gates of revelation were definitely open!  It is awesome to have a prophet that is active and in shape, he gave some powerful talks.  I really liked the talk that the gave Sunday morning about revelation, and the necessity for each one of us to know how the spirit speaks to us.  The talk that Larry Y. Wilson gave that same session on the same subject was awesome as well, and one of my favorites.  I loved the talk by Elder Bednar as well on meekness, he's one of my favorite apostles, and I think that meekness is something that I really can work on.  The other talk that I loved was by Massimo De Feo about pure love, which should be the foundation of our daily life.  I will work my hardest to love these people with pure love, and to do everything I can to help them feel the Savior's love for them these last three months.

I love you all!

Elder McQuiston


Back on the black sand beaches
A picture of my shoe...hang in there, three more month's baby!

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