Monday, April 30, 2018

They're married!!

 Hey fam!

Man we had a super crazy week this week, and a ton of stuff went down.  It was an exciting week for sure, with transfers, leadership council, and a wedding among others.  It was pretty tiring, but things have settled down now, and we should be able to get back to the grind this next week.

We had a pretty busy day last Tuesday.  We were waiting for my companion to arrive, so in the morning I went contacting with Elder Claflin in his new area and had some good laughs in the rain.  We then go a call from the assistants asking to help them out with the transfers, so we head out of the zone and helped moved some missionary's stuff around.  We went to the airport after that and picked up Elder Kerr and Elder Kimball, my second born and my new companion, both of whom were at Tahaa.  We had to drop of Elder Kerr at Papara in my old area, which was an hour away.  We hit up McDonald's on the way, where the drive-through lady roasted me, "Sir, does the person next to you speak French?"  The impatient lady gave us a pretty good laugh, it was humbling hahah.

Wednesday was our district temple trip, so we went to the 7am session.  I love going to the temple so much, it is such an uplifting and edifying experience every time.  While in the celestial room I took the time to pray for and seek inspiration for our investigators.  I noticed how clear and direct the responses to the questions I asked were.  It made me recall President Nelson's talk about revelation, when he said, "one of the things the spirit has repeatedly impressed upon my mind since my new calling as President of the Church is how willing the Lord is to reveal His mind and will."  I testify as well that the Lord will reveal his will to us if we diligently seek it and keep his commandments.  We have the huge blessing of having temples so close to us, and should fully take advantage of being able to enter in the Lord's house, to always stay on the covenant path.

After the temple, we picked up all of the greenies from President's house.  Four out of the 7 companionships in our zone is a missionary in training, so we had a lot of missionaries and suitcases to drive around, and had to drive to the docks to drop off the  Moorea missionaries as well.  I don't know if I already mentioned that, but the neighboring island of Moorea is also in our zone.  Elder Claflin's son is a short Mexican/American name Elder Torres, that speaks flawless Spanish and pretty decent French.  He's pretty cool.

Thursday was our big leadership council at President's house.  It was a really good leadership council, we had some really good discussions.  It is pretty crazy, there is only one missionary in the whole mission that has been out longer than I have...I feel so old haha.  We had a super cool experience that same night as well when we were at Timothee and Ludmilla's house.  Timothee was having a pretty rough time, and going through some withdrawals.  I was pretty nervous, because his wedding was two days later, and I really wanted him to be clean  for his wedding.  I felt impressed to call President Fox and ask him to come give Timothee a blessing, but pushed away the thought because it was already late, and I figured he was probably busy.  But I felt imipressed to call him again, so I figured I better listen.  It turns out that President was free, and so he came over with his wife.  I then found out that Timothee had been praying for that since this morning, but didnt' want to ask for it.  Well President came over, and we had a really spiritual experience.  I don't feel like I should give too many details, but it was an experience that I won't forget. 

On Saturday, Timothee and Ludmilla got married, and Ludmilla got baptized!! Man that was such a cool experience, I really love them.  There was 20 missionaries that came that had all taught them, as well as President and Sister Fox.  Elder Bradshaw, my MTC companion, was the one that baptized Ludmilla.  It was a really happy day, full of laughs and love and smiles.  I lvoe this work so much!!

And also you guys.  Peace out

Elder McQuiston

1-4 are all pics of the wedding and baptism
5-Craig and I
6 & 7-picking up my companion and my son from the airport on their way back from Tahaa

8 & 9- dumping out my investigators beer

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