Monday, April 16, 2018

3rd times the charm

la ora na tout le monde!!

I hope that all is well back home chez vous!  Things are going pretty well here, it picked back up a little bit from last week.  We were able to have some great conversations with a lot of potential investigators, which gives some hope for the area for the next couple transfers.  All of the investigators that we are teaching progressed as well, things are looking pretty good here at Taharaa.

On Tuesday we had our multizone conference with President Fox, which was awesome.  It was probably my favorite zone conference so far with President Fox, it was really well done, and really uplifting.  We were able to make some plans and goals, and discuss some challenges that the missionaries are facing.  

I don't know if I mentioned this, but we started teaching English classes in our area, and it's kinda going crazy, we are now teaching four classes a week.  On Saturday we had 4 different people randomly call us to ask if they could come to the English classes as well, which is awesome.  it's a great way to serve, and we are making some great contact with a lot of investigators.  Hopefully, we should be able to start teaching some of these people the Gospel as well. If only people were as interested about learning the Gospel as they are about learning English...

On Saturday we decided to make ourselves some sashimi for lunch.  We went to carrefour and grabbed ourselves a hunk of fresh tuna, and went to work at home.  Well...I've got a lot of work to do.  It definitely wasn't the same sashimi that I've been eating at member's houses.  That's alright though, practice makes perfect is what they say. 

Man I'm out of things to say already....not a super exciting week.  Sorry about that folks.  I love you all, have a good week!


1-a pic from a faatamaaraa with a rich family that we ate with that have a way nice home on the mountain.
2-if you zoom in on that pic you see a bowl of cooked turtle, which is definitely illegal, but I had to try it..yah it was pretty good.
3-A pic of my dmp, with his wife and granddaughter in the background, they are investigators that we are teaching.
4-A pic of our house and the car that I drive
5-A pic of my companion all happy because he traced my genealogy back to Adam and Eve

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