Monday, April 23, 2018

Taharaa til I die

Hey Fam!!

Well, this week flew by.  It's transfer day today, and we don't have a ton of time, so we're gonna keep it short today.  Don't feel too bummed out tho because there wasn't' really a whole lot that went down, so you all aren't really missing much.

Speaking of transfers, my companion got transferred to Papeete, my new companion is Elder Kimball, who I know pretty well.  hew as the missionary that replaced me a Tahaa, and we served in the same zone for a few transfers.  I'm super pumped, Elder Kimball is super sweet, and I'm pretty happy to be killed by an Amercian haha.  Elder Claflin, one of my buddies from the MTC got transferred to my zone and is going to be training in the same house as me.  My last two transfers are gonna be way fun, I'm way happy about it.

Let's see what else...we did a bunch of splits this past week, one day I went to the area of the office elders which are in our zone.  It was weird doing that kind of missionary work, not teaching any lessons, just going to the boats and the airport, office work, dealing with missionaries needs, etc. Let's just say I'm way glad I'm not in the office, and idk how dad did it for so long.

Oh!  There was something super cool on Saturday morning, my first convert, Soeur Marie Christine got endowed!!  That was one of the coolest experiences of my mission, seeing her go through the temple.  If you don't remember she's from Ua Huka, and came a long way to her endowment.  Getting people through the temple is our main goal as missionaries, and I was so happy to finally see one of my coverts go through.  The spirit was so strong, I know this chruch is true.  It was nice catching up with her as well, it has been so long. haha
A week ago we were pretty lonely in our 2 person house, so we decided to move into the house with the other 4 elders in our district, and it's a party now.  A good party the don't worry ;)

Well that's about it for the week...I love you all, have a good week!

Elder McQuiston

1-We were walking on teh road and like 20 dogs came flying out the garage
2-played some volleyball with the crew
3-Marie Christine's endowment
4-cookin up some fresh raw fish
5-10 -Transfer day; saying goodbye to elder Tomasini and my last goodbye to Elder Omorodion before he takes the plane tonight

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